161. BL,Federal government information policy and the electronic federal depository library / William Sudduth -- The impact of technology on managing access to electronic government information in libraries / Amy West -- Digital preservation of electronic government information / Grace-Ellen McCrann -- Electronic government spatial information : issues, challenges, and opportunities / Linda Zellmer -- Providing access to e-government information to diverse populations / Marianne Mason -- Reaching out to youth with electronic government information / Karen Russ and Sarah Zegenbein -- Collection development : handling electronic government information through the Federal Depository Library Program and beyond / Hui Hua Chua -- United States Government Printing Office practices for cataloging electronic resources / John A. Stevenson -- Bibliographic control and processing of electronic government information in libraries / Elaine Winske -- Integrating online government documents into library reference services / Grace-Ellen McCrann -- Government information instruction in the information literacy environment / Barbara Miller and Barbara J. Mann -- Digital preservation of electronic government information :
Author: 20090530 ,edited by Andrea M. Morrison for the Government Documents Round Table.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
162. Between warrior brother and veil,BL
Author: William F. Tucker. ,Martin Dixon.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
163. Beyond the petroleum age :
Author: Christopher Flavin and Nicholas Lenssen.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Solar energy-- Economic aspects.,Énergie solaire-- Aspect économique.,Energie solaire.,Pays de l'Est.,Pays en développement.,Pays occidentaux.,Politique énergétique.,Solar energy-- Economic aspects.,UE/CE Etats membres.
Classification :
164. Breaches of contracts and claims by third parties / Stephen Waddams -- Policy issues in defective property cases / Stephen Todd -- Defective structures and economic loss in the United States : law and policy / David F. Partlett -- Harm screening under negligence law / Israel Gilead -- Acts ,Notre Dame, Ind. :
Author: edited by Jason W. Neyers, Erika Chamberlain and Stephen G. A. Pitel. ,Alexandra Cuffel.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
165. Challenging legitimacy at the precipice of energy calamity
Author: Davidson, Debra J.,Debra J. Davidson, Mike Gismondi
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: ، Energy policy,، Energy development, Environmental aspects,، Power resources
Classification :
166. Challenging legitimacy at the precipice of energy calamity
Author: / Debra J. Davidson, Mike Gismondi
Library: Central Library, Center of Documentation and Supply of Scientific Resources (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Energy policy,Energy development, Environmental aspects,Power resources
Classification :
167. Changing Things -- Moving People :
Author: edited by Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, Heinz Gutscher.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Life sciences.,Medicine.
Classification :
168. Coal utilisation :
Author: L. Grainger and J. Gibson.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Economische aspecten.,Energievraagstuk.,Steenkool.
Classification :
169. Cognition in the early elementary classroom / Mary C. McKenna, Erin K. Jurgensen, and S. Kenneth Thurman -- Working memory and classroom learning / Susan E. Gathercole and Tracy Packiam Alloway -- Executive function, school readiness and school achievement / Ulrich Muller, Dana Lieberman, Douglas Frye and Philip David Zelazo -- Theory of mind, understanding teaching and early childhood education / Douglas Frye and Zhenlin Wang -- Translating cognitive science to the classroom : the role of phonological sensitivity and vocabulary in the development,Pragmatism in international relat
Author: edited by S. Kenneth Thurman and Catherine A. Fiorello. ,David Patrick Houghton.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
170. Cold war history
Author: edited by Frédéric Bozo ... [ et al.].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
171. Creating an "information literacy across the curriculum" program from scratch / Jill Gremmels, Randall Schroeder -- Experiential learning : teach them and they will come / James Andrew Buczynski, Carmen Genuardi -- Taking the best of both worlds : success and challenges with the hybrid model of library instruction / Lucretia McCulley -- Who wants to be a millionaire? : using clickers to enhance learning in the library / Janelle L. Wertzberger -- Interdisciplinary inquiry through collaboration / Leslie Bussert, Suzan Parker, Mark Szarko -- Immersion of information literacy and technology into the core discovery courses / Nancy J. Young, Diane Prorak, Beth Hill -- PUC 101 : a collaborative effort for freshman orientation / Tammy S. Guerrero, Kristin M. Harkin -- Making the case for enhanced learning : using case studies in a credit-bearing library course / Christopher V. Hollister -- Using problem-based learning to teach information literacy skills in a freshman seminar / Emily Johnson,
Author: Elizabeth Connor, editor.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
172. E-business :
Author: [compiled and edited by Donna Sioros].
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Energy industries-- Deregulation, Congresses.,Energy industries-- Environmental aspects, Congresses.,Energy policy-- Economic aspects, Congresses.,Power resources-- Management, Congresses.
173. Economic aspects of the energy crisis
Author: / Harry W. Richardson
Library: Central Library and Documents Center of Allameh Tabatabaei University (Tehran)
Classification :
174. Economic aspects of the energy crisis
Author: / Harry W. Richardson
Library: University of Tabriz Library, Documentation and Publication Center (East Azarbaijan)
Subject: Power resources - United States,Energy policy - Economic aspects - United States
Classification :
175. Economy-wide modeling of water at regional and global scales /
Author: editor: Glyn Wittwer.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computable general equilibrium models.,Sustainable development.,Water resources development-- Econometric models.,Water resources development-- Economic aspects.,Water resources development-- Mathematical models.,Water-supply, Agricultural-- Economic aspects.,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Real Estate-- General.,Computable general equilibrium models.,Sustainable development.,Water resources development-- Econometric models.,Water resources development-- Economic aspects.,Water resources development-- Mathematical models.,Water-supply, Agricultural-- Economic aspects.
Classification :
176. Electric capitalism :
Author: edited by David A. McDonald.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Capitalism-- Africa.,Electric power-- Government policy-- Africa.,Electric utilities-- Africa.,Capitalism.,Electric power-- Government policy.,Electric utilities.,Elektrizitätsversorgung.,Energiepolitik.,Kapitalismus.,Africa.,Südafrika., 7, 7
Classification :
177. Electrical energy efficiency :
Author: [edited by] Andreas Sumper, Angelo Baggini.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Electric power-- Conservation-- Standards.,Electric power transmission-- Reliability.,Energy conservation-- Standards.,Energy dissipation.
Classification :
178. Energy
Author: edited by Robert Bent, Lloyd Orr, and Randall Baker ; illustrations by William Z. Shetter
Library: Central Library of Shahrekord University (Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari)
Subject: Power resources, Social aspects,Power resources, Environmental aspects
Classification :
179. Energy and the wealth of nations :
Author: Charles A.S. Hall, Kent Klitgaard.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Energy policy-- Economic aspects.,Engineering economy.,Environmental economics.,Power resources.,Sustainable development.,Business & Economics-- Economics-- General.,Business & Economics-- Industries-- Energy Industries.,Economic geography.,Economic geography.,Energy industries.,Energy policy.,Energy technology & engineering.,Environmental economics.,Environmental economics.,Science-- Earth Sciences-- Geography.,Science-- Environmental Science.,Science-- System Theory.,Social research & statistics.,Sustainability.,Sustainable development.
Classification :
180. Energy economy, finance and geostrategy /
Author: André B. Dorsman, Volkan Ş. Ediger, Mehmet Baha Karan, editors.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Energy policy.,International relations.,Power resources-- Economic aspects.,Power resources-- Political aspects.,Energy policy.,International relations.,Power resources-- Economic aspects.,Power resources-- Political aspects.,Power resources.
Classification :